
Crimson Dusk Chapter 2 Vampyre

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It didn't take long for the door to crack open, a single green eye surrounded by thick black fur peaking out at him. Immediately, Nick had to wonder about how the jaguar had gotten bitten in the first place. Had he opened his door to an animal he didn't realize was a vampire like Nick's own parents had? A look at the red painted door made his theory that much stronger in his mind. Doors were painted red to welcome the weary traveler in these times. To offer shelter, food, and a bed to rest at least for the evening. Nick's own parents had, had their door painted red too. He remembered them spending a hefty sum for the paint job, but they had thought it worth it to know they could lend a helping paw to an animal with even less than what they had. It was that kindness which had killed them in the end, unknowingly welcoming a demon into their home.

"Mister Renato Manchas?" he asked kindly.

Though he already knew from how skittish the big cat behaved that, that was who he was speaking to, it was still protocol to ask. But the jolt in the larger mammal's form confirmed his question further before the door opened just a crack wider to reveal a scarred and scratched eye. He watched the jaguar take him in from head to toe, smart mammal, he was making sure another vampire wasn't in his presence. Still Nick allowed his smile to grow and reveal his normal sized canines for the cat and seen him visibly relax before the door was pulled open further, just enough for Nick to squeeze through.

"You are from the order?"

"I am."

Again the jaguar relaxed and closed the door behind them before leading the way into a living room where he gestured for Nick to sit down. The fox did so, looking around as he did to locate signs of struggle or blood spatter that would indicate a vampire attack within the home. But he saw none, nor did his nose pick up the coppery scent of blood. That didn't necessarily mean the attack hadn't been in the house however, he had seen stairs as he was led to the living room. Perhaps the attack had been on the upper floor even in the jaguar's own bedroom. Or maybe he needed to stop making comparisons between his client and his dearly departed parents.

"May I offer you anything?"

The question brought Nick back to the present, but the fox didn't allow his swayed attention to show. The mask quickly slid into place as he pulled a pad of paper from his pocket and produced a pen and an ink pot from the satchel at his side. He wouldn't need either, a photographic memory ensured that he would remember all details given. However it tended to calm clients when seeing him taking down notes which he would turn in to the headmaster upon the end of the case.

"That is quite alright, mister Manchas. All I ask of you is information. Where were you when attacked by the vampire? Do you remember the species or any defining traits of your attacker? Such as whether they were male or female, prey or predator?"

The reynard listened, taking note of all he was told and paused only to dip the end of his pen into the ink pot when needed. It appeared the attack hadn't been in the home as Nick had first thought, but out on the streets not far from Manchas' house. Vine and Tahunga to be precise, right where at the end of the bridge that led to the back of the home. The bridge had recently been repaired when in the struggle the thick rope holding it had broken apart and the walkway had fallen, smacking into the cliff on the other side. Manchas explained he had felt as if he were being watched and followed on his way home from the market that evening and even expressed that he wondered if that was how prey had felt in the primal days.

The fox spared no details as he wrote, even taking in the disgusted and even fearful shudder the great cat made when comparing himself to prey. It had taken several minutes along with gentle and patient coaxing from Nick to get him to continue. But when he did, Manchas expressed in great detail the manner in which he was attacked. He reported the usual feeling of the fur all over his body raising in alarm, his instincts shouting an inner warning at him before he began to run for the bridge. He told the priest that he could hear the rustling of leaves as something much faster than himself gave chase and how the shadows had seemed to thicken and gain of life of their own and move as serpents above, around, and above him.

He said he was almost to the bridge and had let himself get cocky in the fact that he was almost home and that was when he was tripped as if by nothing. He remembered feeling an extremely cold and almost malevolent feeling against his hind paw and upon looking down found a manacle of shadow around it. That shadow had slithered as if alive up his leg even as he struggled, somehow shoved his torso to the wet ground and held him there then did the same to his shoulders, arms, wrists, and even his neck. He'd felt as if he were choking from the hold of the shadows when they released their hold quite suddenly on his throat. He recalled seeing a shape that he couldn't quite remember now, appearing as if out of thin air, a voice smooth and soft as silk though he couldn't remember the words spoken or the tone that would tell the gender. But he remembered in great detail the painful, fiery stab of fangs in his throat before that too faded and became a pleasure like none he had ever known before.

Renato shuddered again as he recalled this, disgusted with himself for his body betraying him and allowing a demon to give him such a feeling. Nick shared this sentiment, but not towards Manchas himself. Toward the devil that had seduced his senses and forcefully took his essence from him. He didn't allow his disgust to show however as he continued to write, but looked up from his note taking when his client was forthcoming with no more information.

"Is that all mister Manchas?" he asked, gently coaxing a conclusion or further recollection from him.

"There is more.." Renato admitted, shuddering again and his lips pulling back into a scowl of self disgust. "I wish for a specialist at exorcism. I know not what that thing did to me other than take my blood. Nor do I understand why it kept me alive rather than taking it all though I feel no gratitude towards such a creature. I doubt it was mercy that stilled it's jaws."

Nick nodded his agreement.

"You request an exorcism. Why is that?"

"What ever the demon did, I find that a deep part of me yearns for it to come back and do it again. That pleasure was intoxicating to some side of me I can ignore most days, but on others can not. I go into an almost trance like state at times and when I come to myself I find I have taken the same path as when I was attacked. I even nearly walked over the edge of the cliff before the bridge was repaired."

That gave the priest pause. There had never been cases where the vampire had left the victim alive, they were all either horribly mangled and drained or they were just drained and left to rot. But from what he was hearing, the vampire's influence remained with the victim even days after the attack if left alive. What was this demon up to? It had to be an older one to have not only enough control to stop it's feeding, but also manipulate further.

"You say you nearly walked off the ledge?" he asked, pausing until Manchas nodded. "Did you snap out of your trance before you could?"

"No, I blessed enough that a little grey rabbit happened by when she did," he explained. "She said she'd seen me looking quite out of sorts and followed me. She took hold of my shirt and gave a sharp enough pull to make the fabric shift and wake me from my trance before I could fall. She didn't leave me until I was at my front door and after she was off after she told me to be more careful and see a doctor."

"Did this rabbit give a name?"

"It is rather odd, but I did not ask her. How unlike me, I am usually more polite. I imagine I would be more so to a mammal that saved my life."

"Odd indeed."

Nick made quick work of taking note of the mysterious grey rabbit who had helped Manchas before his fall to his death. The jaguar was quite lucky to have been seen by her otherwise he would have been another victim after all, but written off as a suicide. Suicides were cast out by the church and the poor predator's soul would be damned and not allowed entry into heaven or hell. They simply remained in purgatory for all eternity long.

"If you see her, please express my gratitude towards her won't you?" Renato spoke up.

"Yes of course, though I doubt it will be simple to identify one lone rabbit. There are many of them in the region alone," Nick replied as he stood.

"Ah, but there is no mistaking her for another."

The comment made him pause as he capped his ink pot and was returning it and his pen to his satchel. The way the jaguar spoke, as if he had become familiar with her and fancied her was strange. To hear him tell it, he had met her just the once though he supposed if a mammal saved another's life it would be easy to think themselves besotted with them.

"Go on.."

"She had the most stunning violet eyes I had ever seen and her voice.. It was what one would expect of angels."

The priest tried not to allow his amusement to show from the clearly infatuated look the jaguar now displayed. Instead he smiled and gave a polite nod as he returned his pad back to his pocket and made his way toward the front door, Renato following behind.

"I will send word to the order that you have requested an exorcism. They should have a capable priest here within the next evening. And I will keep a weather eye for this rabbit. Perhaps the two of you will cross paths again," Nick offered as he stepped outside the door.

"I can only hope God blesses me in such a way. Thank you."

Again, the fox gave a polite smile and nod as he wished him a good evening and turned away, making his way back to his carriage. When he looked to the door of the Manchas home. He found it already sliding closed and turned his gaze away before closing his eyes and resting his head against the seat, allowing his thoughts to take him away once more.

A vampire that keeps it's victims alive and still holds influence over them even days after the attack. Not only that, but a creature powerful enough to dull and blur the senses of it's victims as it approaches yet give striking detail to the pain and the pleasurable violation of the senses and body. Enough to make sense leave the victim and seek the vampire's bite once again as if mindless and entranced. What was the creature's plan in continuing to hold an iron grip on the God fearing mammal? Perhaps after the exorcism the creature would reveal itself, if it was truly powerful enough to continue to hold sway, it would no doubt feel it's influence over the poor mammal break. And when it came, he would be ready for it.

"Where to, Nicholas?" the mare pulling him asked. He recalled to himself that her name was Deidre as he opened his eyes.

"Take me into town, Deidre. I wish to see if I can uncover more leads."

"Right away."

His eyes closed as the carriage jerked once again wondering about the creature and about the mysterious rabbit. Was she perhaps another survivor of a vampire attack, had she seen and recognized the look in his eyes? Perhaps she could lend more information on what to expect from this sort of thing if he was correct and in return he could send her Renato's way so he could at least thank her in person. He felt the jaguar would appreciate that more than the thanks being passed along second paw.


Sometimes, God works in mysterious ways one does not always understand why he does what he does, but there is always a reason. Nicholas had been in the town for only five days and nights. One of those evenings he had been present for the exorcism and had stayed along with a few more comrades for another two to wait for the vampire to return. It never showed itself so they went on their way. Still, Nick had suspected that the creature knew that their presence had been there so either he remained in the vicinity or had another do so and keep watch. It was on his watch-another inside-that a terrible sound of struggle and shrieks of pain had come from the Manchas home.

He hadn't hesitated to ram his shoulder into the door again and again to get inside, but upon entering he had discovered he was too late. The vampire was only just releasing his neck as Nick entered the kitchen and turned it's hungry, glowing, devil eyes on him. In that moment, Nick was reminded of the scene the night he lost his parents and that same rage built within him. Renato hadn't deserved to die like this, he was a good mammal, perhaps his only flaw being to dream of romance with a rabbit he barely knew. Thankfully it wasn't Renato that had been attacked, but one of Nick's comrades. That was no better of course, but no worse, but at least his allies knew the risk involved in the job. The point was, this demon had thought it was attacking mister Manchas and Nick had still let another die on his watch.

"Come on, demon. Still hungry are you not? Come try to feast on me then!" he growled at the hissing, grinning creature.

It was practically suicide to taunt a vampire, especially one just fed and especially when alone. But Nick could see nothing past a haze of red rage as he glared death at the devil creeping to it's feet. Shadows began to writhe all around him as if alive and his fur stood on its end, but he paid no attention to either other to speak a prayer aloud. A prayer to which the vampire responded to with a snarl.

"Oh Great Creator. Oh Great Virgin Ewe. Light my way. Keep my soul from the evil of the devil's darkness. Let me be your instrument to rid the world of evil."

No sooner had he gotten the words out, had the vampire leaped for him, but in his once again adrenaline fueled rage, Nick fell to the floor and rolled away. In one fluid motion, the fox was on his feet again, katana unsheathed and glinting with deadly promise in the light of the moon trickling through a broken window. A window which Nick suspected was how the creature had gotten in. He held the sword ready, pointing it at the demon before a mocking smile spread across his lips and he feigned a half bow in a way of saying "I am here, what are you waiting for?"

The vampire, a capybara he could now see with his eyes completely adjusted to the dark snarled at him once again. It was about to pounce and Nick was ready for it, but as soon as it had been about to strike it suddenly stopped and blinked as if dumbfounded. Nick shared the emotion, rage cooling to the smallest degree though he didn't ease out of his stance to fight and hopefully delivery a killing blow on the first try. But to his shock the prey turned demon quickly shot around and ran through the door Nick had burst through only minutes before.

He didn't hesitate to give chase, wondering if it had seen it's death in his eyes and ran for an easier target or worse realized it hadn't killed Renato and was off to find him. Nick chased it through the overgrowth of the rain forest, even going after it when it shifted it's form to shadow. He was able to track it because of the usual way the shadows made up it's form as it moved, something that the demon likely hadn't thought about. Still the reynard never gained ground though he continued to give chase, leaping over fallen logs and holes in his path until he realized with a panic that it was heading into town.

He forced his legs to move faster as that truth rang in his mind with horrifying clarity, ignoring the burning in his lungs as he pushed himself harder than ever. But he was slowing down, losing sight of his target as he cleared the woods. He didn't stop, running as hard and as fast as he could, faster than he ever had before and shouted warnings to anyone who could still be out on the street to get inside their homes. He lost sight of the vampire soon, though knew from the scent of the coppery blood where he'd gone, following the trail until he grinned in victory as it became it's closest. Had he cornered it?

No, he realized when he slowed to an astonished stop in a deserted road. He hadn't cornered it, but something else certainly had. Something he couldn't see.

The capybara was snarling at something, its eyes looking above it as it crouched on all fours and bared it's fangs in warning as it backed away. Going by her scrambling, what ever was there was advancing on it and if he strained his ears, he could almost hear soft paw falls on the road though it was so faint he could have imagined it. Still he had no doubt that what the prey vampire was so alarmed about was another vampire. No other creature could make itself invisible even in motion, and even no vampire without a good amount of years could do so. Had the capybara come into it's territory and was no paying the price? Was the invisible one the one which had attacked Manchas?

His thoughts came to an abrupt end and his eyes got wider when the snarling prey was choked on its own sounds. He saw why soon enough, it was lifted into the air by it's throat though by fangs or by a paw he didn't know. It continued to struggle in vain and with his new target invisible, Nick could do nothing but watch until quite suddenly the struggles came to a stop just seconds before the body was turned into ashes.

Now with nothing at all to tell him where the invisible demon was, Nick unsheathed his sword and could only pray that he intimidated or angered the creature enough to keep it from coming after him next. He strained his ears as he did, used his nose to his best ability, but it was when his fur stood up straight that he knew he had it's attention if he hadn't before. As quickly as the feeling came however it was gone, making Nick blink in surprise. It...had left? It had to have, no vampire could disguise it's presence so well that it would calm even instinct.

With a resigned sigh, the priest returned his katana to it's sheath.


The silky smooth whisper in his ear just as he'd turned caused him to stiffen and freeze in place. The voice...he couldn't identify it's gender. But more importantly, in that exact moment he remembered his fallen comrade that had been drained. He cursed in such a way he would have to spend hours praying for forgiveness as he shot off back through the city and towards the Manchas house. In his mind, nowhere was the memory of the voice or the scene he had just witnessed.
Nick comes face to face with his sworn enemy once again.

Artwork belongs to TheWyvernsWeaver 
© 2016 - 2024 atempharaoh
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linkgold64's avatar

What!?!? No more chapter's!?!? Nooooo!! You can't do this to us!! It easy just getting good!! Ohh please update!! ...... never mind I just saw the comment below.. please link the chapters....